Monday, November 5, 2012

Prepairing your furnace for the winter

Winter is just around the corner in Blaine Minnesota and it's getting cold out, here are just a couple of steps the average consumer can take to have a healthy and efficient heating system.  First of all it is extremely important to check your furnace filter at least once a month, simply pull out your furnace filter and hold it up to the light, if you can clearly see through it and it's not visibly full of dirt or dust, than you are most likely okay.  If the filter is dirty or it's a washable filter than it's best to change it or clean it right away.  As always if you have any questions or concerns on this matter contact your local qualified furnace repair company.  Next you need to make sure your thermostat is properly working, a properly calibrated thermostat can save you hundreds of dollars a year and it's also a safety issue.  For example if you thermostat is not turning off it could cause your furnace to run too hot at the least it will ware out important components and can cause a fire.  to check your thermostat simply turn it on to fan on let it run for about 3 minutes and then turn it off.  If the furnace turns off than your fan switch is working properly if it continues to run call your local furnace repair company.  Secondly check the thermostat for proper temperature calibration.  To do this you will need another temperature gauge that works such as a digital portable thermostat, simply turn the thermostat to heat and fan auto, then adjust your temperature to a couple degrees above what the room temp is, now just sit and watch the furnace for around 10 minutes and it should satisfy and turn off  when it reach it's set temp.  If the furnace dose not turn off and your secondary temperature gauge is showing a higher temperature that you set it too, again it's time to call in a furnace repair professional.  Please do not try to repair your furnace on your own, it can be very dangerous when dealing with either gas or electrical issues and should be left for the professionals such as Service King .

Continue to check back on a weekly basis for more information on your heating and cooling system.

1 comment:

  1. A heating unit is the main source of energy spending and comfort in your home. That is why it is so important to have it maintained by a professional heating service.

    Furnace service Toronto
